Thursday, September 19, 2013

HTML-Text Formatting

HTML-Text Formatting 

Text Formatting

Once you've created your document, much of the hard work is done. The text that you've written is neatly broken into paragraphs, headings are in place, and the miscellaneous items such as the title and the author
information have been added. At this point you could walk away satisfied, but something still seems to be missing.
One of the primary things that separates documents created on a word processor from those produced on a typewriter is the idea of text formatting. Word processors give the author control over how her text will look. She can chose the font that she likes in the appropriate size, and she can apply one or more of a myriad of options to the text. In HTML, you have this same capability. Your only real restrictions involve the importance of viewer independence.

Upload UIImage as base64 String

Upload UIImage as Base64 String (Upload UIImage as string) //Select Pic From Camera or Gallery       @objc func btnPro...