Thursday, September 19, 2013

HTML-Logical Formatting Tags

HTML-Logical Formatting Tags

These logical format elements are as follows:

   The citation element is used to indicate the citation of a quotation. It can also be used to indicate the title of a book or article. An italic font is normally used to display citations. 
 Tom Sawyer remains one of the classics of American literature.

   The code element is used to indicate a small amount of computer code. It is generally reserved for short sections, with longer sections noted by using the
 tag described later. Code normally appears in a monospaced font. 

One of the first lines that every C programmer learns is:
 puts("Hello World!");

   The emphasis element is used to indicate a section of text that the author wants to identify as significant. Emphasis is generally shown in an italic font.    The actual line reads, "Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, EM>Horatio."

 The keyboard element is used to indicate a user entry response. A monospaced typewriter font is normally used to display keyboard text.    To run the decoder, type Restore followed by your password.

 The sample element is used to indicate literal characters. These normally are a few characters that are intended to be precisely identified. Sample element text normally is shown in a monospaced font. 
The letters SAMP>AEIOU
are the vowels of the English language.
   The strong element is used to emphasize a particularly important section of text. Text using strong emphasis is normally set in a bold font. The most important rule to remember is Don't panic!

 The variable element is used to indicate a dummy variable name. Variables are normally viewed in an italic font. The sort routine rotates on the Ithe element.

     The defining instance element is used to create a sub-definition in a defining list. Variables are normally viewed in an italic font.    The aardvark is an ant-eating animal.

Upload UIImage as base64 String

Upload UIImage as Base64 String (Upload UIImage as string) //Select Pic From Camera or Gallery       @objc func btnPro...