Android 2.3
Based on Linux kernel 2.6.35. On 6 December 2010, the 2.3 (Gingerbread) SDK was released.Android 2.3-Features
• System: Updated user interface design for simplicity and speed• Display: Support for extra-large screen sizes and resolutions (WXGA and higher)
• Internet calling: Native support for SIP VoIP telephony
• Virtual Keyboard: Faster, more intuitive text input, improved accuracy, better suggested text. Voice input mode
• Copy/Paste: Enhanced. Select a word by press-hold, copy, and paste
• Near Field Communication lets the user read an NFC tag embedded in a poster, sticker, or advertisement
• New audio effects such as reverb, equalization, headphone virtualization, and bass boost
• New Download Manager giving users easy access to any file downloaded from the browser, email, or another application
• Camera: Access multiple cameras on the device, including a front-facing camera, if available
• Media: Support for Web M/VP8 video playback, and AAC audio encoding
• System: Improved power management with a more active role in managing apps that are keeping the device awake for too long
• System: Enhanced support for native code development
• System: Switched from YAFFS to ext4 on newer devices
• Audio, graphical, and input enhancements for game developers
• Concurrent garbage collection for increased performance
• Native support for more sensors (such as gyroscopes and barometers)